“Equal Rights, Equal
Opportunity: A Powerful Relationship”
Men and women have roles –
their roles are different, but their rights are equal.
-Harri Holkeri
All of
us humans, created to live in this world, have our own rights and
opportunities. Girl or boy, lesbian or gay, normal people or with disability,
rich or people, every one of us must be treated equally. Yes! Many people believe on this. But, does
EQUALITY between humans really exist this time?
When I heard the word EQUALITY, the first thing that comes to
my mind is about men and women. We know one of the things or issue that we are
facing is the Gender Equality. Being treated by someone equally even though if
you are men or women. But for my opinion, based from my observation, Equality
this time doesn’t still exist. We have the so called DISCRIMINATION.It’s
an action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of
people based on prejudice. This includes treatment of an individual or group
based on their actual or perceived membership in a certain group or social
category, "in a way that is worse than the way people are usually
treated". Many of us under estimate the women when it comes to doing
things, right? Doing heavy things, means we need a men to do it. That is what
we know. But we must be treated equally. If men like me can do things what
women can do, women can also what we do. Some examples of this are, this time
boys are the one who is doing the household chores while girls are the one who
is doing their job for her family, right? Everyone shall know what our right is.
We must be treated equally, no discrimination, no abuse, no favouritism.
In the eye of our creator, we are all
equal. We have the equal rights and opportunities in this world. And if this
equality will exist, men and women will have a powerful relationship. A Powerful
relationship to a better country.