Saturday, January 3, 2015


Change for Climate Change

                                    “Only the word PERMANENT is permanent in this world”

            This statement proved that all of the things around are not stable.  Nothing in this world will still be at its original appearance after how many years of existence above the earth. Just like when you have a new car, after how many years it will have rust, the color of the car is not shiny as that when it was bought and many more changes will occur. This is one example only that proved that nothing is permanent.

             On the other hand, when we talk about our climate, it really changes a lot already and the problem is it still continuing to change. If we experienced for the past years that the weather is okay, the temperature of the surrounding is normal, now it has already change. Temperature is really different compares to the past. We are now experiencing high temperature. This is the sign that the climate really changed already. Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time. Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions.

           We must be informed   about this because Climate change is one of the most fundamental challenges ever to confront humanity. Its adverse impacts are already being seen and may intensify exponentially over time if nothing is done to reduce further emissions of greenhouse gases. Decisively dealing NOW with climate change is key to ensuring sustainable development, poverty eradication and safeguarding economic growth. Scientific assessments indicate that the cost of inaction now will be more costly in the future. Thus, economic development needs to be shifted to a low-carbon emission path.

          Human health is one of the most vital sectors which will be severely affected by climate change. Incremental increases in temperatures and rain regimes could trigger a number of adverse impacts; in particular, the outbreak and spread of water-based and vector-borne diseases leading to higher morbidity and mortality; increased incidence of pulmonary illnesses among young children and cardiovascular diseases among the elderly. In addition, there could also be increased health risk from poor air quality especially in urbanized areas.

        So we must act for the climate change. We must do our part in taking care our self and environment. We must change for climate change.

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