Monday, January 5, 2015

Hello 2015!!!


          Time passed by really so fast. And it is now the time to say goodbye and thank you for the year 2014 and saying hello for the year of the wood goat, the year of 2015. It is also now our tradition for having a new year’s resolution, right? Resolutions that we will try to do for the year 2015; to make our life better.

           This year 2015 is the year for me to change all the negative attitudes. I will do all my responsibilities in my life, especially in school. One of my resolutions for this year is passing my projects or activities on time, reading all my notes and many more. But most importantly is striving harder to be able to achieve my goals in life because every year, life gives us a chance for a new life, a new way to live our life. The sense of celebrating New Year is to leave all our mental stress, our negative emotions, our past histories and everything that makes us unhappy behind, so that we can become a new person with a new life. For me, New Year does not mean that something finishes, but that something new starts, like a small birth. The New Year celebration brings us, new energy and a positive mind, which is the essence of the New Year. The New Year can make us into a new person who lives his/her life in a new way. The gift of the New Year is the opportunity for a complete new birth.

               To receive the chance for change we have to promise ourselves to discipline us. Whatever we promise ourselves needs to be combined with discipline; otherwise, we just go back into our old structures. With discipline, our promises can become real. One discipline can help and save us in many difficult situations in our life.

If we really want a new life, we need discipline. 

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