Sunday, February 15, 2015




                    It is already a spectacle to every place here in the Philippines to have their festivals. Festivals that will express or show their culture, history, practices and also their tradition. For example the Panagbenga festival in Baguio City, Bangus festival in Dagupan, Logganisa festival in Vigan and many more. But here in Ilocos Sur, we have the very famous KANNAWIDAN YLOCOS FESTIVAL.

                This year is now the 8th edition, showcasing the pride and guts of ilocanos pertaining to heritage conservation and culture preservation. In the soul of every Ilocanos are the festivities which will attract their hearts to embrace the true essence of being a proud individual. It gives us a glimpse of how was the life before and how shall we face it today.

                Kannawidan shows the culture of every Ilocanos. The celebration started with a mass (Misa Konselebrada  ) and also a procession with the saints from the different municipalities in Ilocos Sur. One of the major highlight of the festival is the Saniata ti Ilocos Sur Pageant, showcasing the beauty and intelligence of Ilocanos. Trade fair which shows the OTOP of entire Ilocos Sur, Fashion show which displays the pride of Ilocos Sur’s Abel Iloco, exhibit, OPAG pinaka and livestock pinaka contest, traditional games like the rodeo. Many TV personalities also came to Ilocos Sur to celebrate with us just like Janno Gibbs, Xian Lim, Manolo and many more. One of the showtime host, Teddy Corpuz also rock the Ilocanos.  

               All these subsidize to the upgrade and progress of Iloco cultural heritage thereby enriching it to world class showground. May this festivity inspire all Ilocanos to preserve and promote the beauty of Ilocanos.


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